Core Services

ERM’s integrated risk management presents a full range of services to assess and avoid business risks.


ERM conducts extensive environmental checks as part of your risk management process. These include Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Auditing and Environmental Management.


Are you aware of all existing threats to your business? Is your business risk-engineered? If you are an insurer, a reinsurer, a broker or a proposer, where do you go for qualitative property risk assessment?


Are you aware of all existing threats to your business? Is your business risk-engineered? If you are an insurer, a reinsurer, a broker or a proposer, where do you go for qualitative property risk assessment?


ERM conducts trainings and seminars on our core specialties: Risk Management, Occupational Health and Safety, Disaster Recovery, Loss Control and other topics.

ERM Thermography

ERM Phils, Inc. is proud to offer our capability and possibilities of our camera application as Infrared Inspection Technology that can assist with various environmental and building concerns in order ...